Christ Church Chicago Staff
David Helm
Senior Pastor
Dave’s ministry is rooted in his love for Jesus and God’s Word. Prior to Christ Church Chicago, he served as a pastor at Holy Trinity Church and College Church in Wheaton. He also chairs the board of the Charles Simeon Trust, an organization committed to equip others to teach the Bible.
Joe Pace
Executive Pastor | Pastor of Worship & Community Engagement
Joe has over 35 years of church ministry experience, serving as a Worship Pastor, Campus Pastor, and Executive Pastor, leading musically, administratively, and pastorally in a wide range of multi-cultural ministry contexts.
Bing Nieh
Associate Pastor of University Ministry & Congregational Life
Bing arrived in Chicagoland to pursue his theological education at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where he received his PhD. In addition to his responsibilities at Christ Church, he also serves as a Religious Advisor for The University of Chicago.
Amy Koehler
Director of Children’s Ministry
Amy oversees the programming, training, and curriculum for our children. Before starting this role in August 2019, Amy worked as a librarian for 13 years at Moody Bible Institute and as a Resident Head in College Housing at the University of Chicago.
Marjorie Meeks
Director of Women’s Ministry
Marjorie desires to see women grow in understanding and applying the Bible. She also serves on the board of Radstock Ministries, a church planting network. Prior to Chicago, she and her husband were church planters in Tennessee and Nicaragua.
Robert Marineau
Director of Men’s Ministry
Robert desires the men of Christ Church Chicago to grow in Christian maturity through the study of God’s word and its application to their lives for the building up of the global church. He studied Bible and biblical languages with a focus on the Old Testament and Hebrew.
Milton Taylor
Director of Youth Ministry
Milton desires to be a catalyst and conduit of change in the lives of youth. Milton is also a part-time student in the Chicago Course on Preaching. Known also as the recording artist “Thre,” he is an active contributor to Christian hip hop.
Andrew Zulker
Associate Director of Music
A lifelong musician, Andrew grew up in Rhode Island and came to the South Side in 2015, where he is currently pursuing a PhD in Comparative Semitics at the University of Chicago. He also volunteers with the church’s University Ministry.
Jeremy Meeks
Resident Pastor of Ministry Apprenticeships
Jeremy’s pastoral role involves helping Pastor Helm with training the next generation of church leaders. He also serves the broader Church and Christian community throughout Chicago by preaching and teaching in a variety of contexts.
Mary Manoah
University Worker
Mary's call is to disciple women in the Word and build theological literacy from the Bible. She has written a Bible Study on Lamentations, and writes curriculum for her weekly Women's Discipleship Group for University students.
Ruby Black
Youth Ministry Apprenticeship
Ruby is passionate about discipling youth and seeing them grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord. Ruby serves in youth ministry focusing on girls’ discipleship. She is currently studying linguistics at Moody Bible Institute, and aspires to do full-time ministry overseas.
Amanda Zagnoli
Communication and Administration Coordinator
Amanda manages all things related to congregational communication and events. Prior to joining our team in 2016, Amanda amassed seven years of publishing experience. She, her husband, and their three boys live in North Kenwood.
Jade Cooper
Director of Finance
Jade manages the finances for Christ Church Chicago. She has been a member of Christ Church Chicago since 2010. She has a Bachelor in Economics and an MBA from Vanderbilt University.
Ethan Rice
Pastoral Resident
Ethan has an M.Div from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and came to Christ Church to serve as a Pastoral Resident while taking the Chicago Course on Preaching.
Paul Kim
Pastoral Resident
Paul became a Christian at the age of 17 in Silicon Valley. He got his nursing degree at Biola University and works as an oncology nurse at UChicago. He is also a part-time student at the Chicago Course on Preaching.
Dillon Murphy
Pastoral Resident
Dillon is originally from the Twin Cities area and has been in Chicago since 2019. As of 2023, he completed an undergraduate degree at Moody Bible Institute in Biblical Preaching and has started as a part-time student at the Chicago Course on Preaching. Dillon works closely with Christ Church Chicago’s Community Engagement efforts.
Tony Morgan
Facilities Manager