David Helm

Senior Pastor

Meet Pastor Helm

Dave considers it an immense privilege to be a member of this church family. Previously he served on the pastoral team of Holy Trinity Church for 22 years. And prior to that, as a pastor at College Church in Wheaton for a decade. Pastor Helm’s ministry is rooted in his love for Jesus and God’s Word. He also chairs the board of the Charles Simeon Trust, an organization committed to equip others to teach the Bible. His writings include The Big Picture Story Bible, One to One Bible Reading, A Conversation with Jesus, and Expositional Preaching. Dave and his wife, Lisa, enjoy spending time with their children: Noah (Julie), Joanna Panner (Ben); Baxter (Kelsie), Silas, and Mariah, and nine grandchildren. At the end of the day, you’ll find Pastor Helm in conversation around the dinner table or on his screened-in porch.

Dave’s Work

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