Additional Partnerships

In addition to our collaboration with our Neighborhood Partnerships, we are committed to taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Therefore we partner with individuals and families who are known as our Global Ministry Partners. We also are invested in church planting locally and internationally demonstrated in our desire to train pastors and teachers in handling the Bible.

Global Ministry Partners

We desire to see the good news of Jesus taken to the corners of the earth. Therefore, we partner with likeminded people all over the world. Through the leadership of our Global Ministry Partner Committee Team, our congregation stays informed and participates in the lives of those we support. We hold these individuals and families dearly for they all emerged from among us.

Katherine, USA

Katherine was a member of Holy Trinity Church, Hyde Park (now Christ Church Chicago) during her time as a student at the University of Chicago. She spent 10 years serving in the Middle East. She now resides in Austin, Texas, and serves in area leadership for those planning to serve in the Middle East. Her focus is developing and supporting team leaders for war-scarred peoples and refugees.


Kristen is part of a team that holistically ministers to refugees to show them Jesus’ love and share His truth. She works among Africans, Persians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Afghans. Her work includes various facets such as leading an English program, visiting refugees in their homes, and coordinating programming for women and children.

Eric and Valerie (Zachary, Julia, and Eliana), CANADA

The Nielsen family reside in the province of Quebec and are involved in supporting newly planted churches. Their goal is making disciples in a place where less than 1% (of an 8.5 million population) identify as evangelical Christians. Additionally, they seek to connect specifically with university students in an area with several universities.

Derrick and Rae (Zemi), UGANDA

Derrick and Rae work as church planters in Kampala with the aim of reaching both Ugandans and refugees from other East African countries. Derrick builds up, trains, and leads a core team that is planting Cross Fellowship Church. Rae partners with local non-profits by facilitating ESL trainings for teachers and refugees, while discipling some of the refugee women.

Jason and Laura (Cooper and Cory), ENGLAND

The Swains work with primarily Pakistani immigrants in the local community. Jason is part of a group of men who read the Bible and Quran and will be a designer in residence at a local school. Laura teaches an English class, and together they lead evangelism trainings at their church. Their work is focused on building long term relationships and sharing the gospel. Cooper and Cory attend local schools with a high Pakistani population.

Sammy and Kelsey (Keturah, Caleb, Timothy, and Steven), CAMEROON

Sammy and Kelsey have been serving in Cameroon since 2009. Their work is focused on planting new churches among unreached people groups. They travel extensively through their local region to build relationships with churches and give themselves to training and mentoring African missionary candidates.

Ruby, South Asia

Ruby is a member of Christ Church Chicago and is on a short-term trip serving in South Asia. She has a heart for missions and desires to continue spreading God’s good news as a missionary.

Church Planting Partner

We believe the gospel is growing. Therefore, it is necessary to have “gospel communities” that are tangible representations of God’s kingdom on earth. As a result, we are committed to partnering with organizations who desire to see local church congregations planted and established.

Neopolis Network

Neopolis is a city-facing, multi-ethnic, global network and family of churches. Neopolis works with existing churches to plant churches. Birthed out of Holy Trinity Church (of which our congregation emerged), Neopolis has been a catalyst to gospel movements. Through the efforts of Neopolis, over two dozen churches have been planted in the city of Chicago alone. These efforts span globally as well with congregations in Kenya and Cuba.

Training Partner

We are passionate to see Christians strengthened in their faith, particularly in reading and handling the Bible. Therefore, we join hands with likeminded organizations who seek to help equip Christians.

The Charles Simeon Trust

The Charles Simeon Trust (CST) is a ministry that seeks to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the world by training up the next generation of biblical expositors. Founded and chaired by David Helm, our senior pastor, the international organization trains over 3000 men and women annually and offers an online platform for those who desire to further develop their Bible handling. Thirty percent of Pastor Helm’s time is devoted to the ongoing work of CST.

The Chicago Course on Preaching

As a part of The Charles Simeon Trust, the Chicago Course offers practical training in biblical handling to men and women in ministry looking to deepen their skills and convictions in expositional preaching and teaching, as well as those who are considering whether ministry is for them.